Saturday 11 April 2009

Birthday pages and other news

I was taken away from the last entry before I had finished and not being used to the technicalities of this blog I didn't even think about saving the draft and coming back later... Duh.

I did these pages using all the birthday cards that Colin received for his Hawaiian birthday (he was 50). I haven't found out how to put the pictures where I want them yet - or even if I can - so there they stand, one on top of the other, until I can find a way to change it without deleting everything.

Today is Easter Saturday and we were supposed to be going out but my feet are cracked which makes walking very painful so the thought of arriving somewhere and discovering that I would be staying in the car while everyone went for a long walk to get to wherever the attraction was did not appeal. Colin wanted to take us all out in the new car so I have managed to disappoint everyone because of this stupid eczema. I am really fed up with it now and want it to stop!