I am in a Circle Journal. For those that don't know what it is, quite simply there is a group of people and each one makes a journal (scrapbooking type journal) no bigger than 8"x8" and there is a theme. Sometimes the theme is the same for all the participants but in this group we have each chosen our own theme. My CJ (note the use of jargon here, I'm just showing off cos I know what it means) has the theme of favourite ancestor and I started it off with a picture of my great Grandmother and a little bit of writing about her and sent it on to the next person on the list.
I then received the journal of the person before me in the list and she has chosen favourite recipes as her theme. I could not find any pictures of my two favourite recipes, at least not pictures that I liked and actually looked like what I cook. So I was forced to make the recipes so that I could take pictures. What a hardship!
I chose the new recipe I found for Blueberry muffins and also the good old faithful Continental lentil toad in the hole from Ruth Elliot's "The Bean Book"
Now let's just get one thing quite clear here, we are not vegetarian we just don't eat a lot of meat. My cousin,Louise, G*d rest her soul, introduced me to the Bean Book and the very first time I made Continental lentil toad-in-the-hole Mr M said it was his most favourite meal ever. He hasn't changed his mind in more than 20 years. This is the first time I have ever done a recipe CJ and I think it is brilliant! I think I might just use that as my theme when I do another CJ. In fact I might go to UKscrappers and see if there is another CJ asking for members - ah, no I am not going to join anything else until October because Shimelle's class Learn Something New Everyday starts on September 1st and this year I am determined to complete it. This will be my third time so it should be lucky. My problem has been the number of family birthdays at this time of year - including my own. there are four between now and the end of September and then another two three in October. No excuses! This year I will complete the class.