Oh would you like a cookie? They are peanut butter ones, home made with proper American peanut butter courtesy of Costco. I am very pleased with them even if I do say so myself.
At this point I would probably run out of words for a brief moment and would busy myself with the kettle and the cafetiere.
I would point to the bits of fabric and the half made squares hanging over the big sewing machine and explain that after three years of not sewing a stitch I suddenly had this idea for a quilt. This will also explain the heap of bits on the table and the embroidery machine on the other end waiting for the next project. I would show you the pictures of the embroidery I intend doing on some of the squares and how I am getting Miss Em involved in a sewing project that is top secret! so please don't tell Mummy. Iwould offer more coffee and cookies and be sorry when it was time for you to leave.
After you have gone I will pour another cuppa and contemplate the fabrics, letting that part of my mind do the colour evaluation while remembering how wonderful it was to share a short part of my morning with a wonderful friend.
Thank you for joining me for morning coffee. This is part of something invented by Abi. Why not go over to her place and share a morning cuppa with her and with several other friends, I did and it was delightful