Aaah, measurements I can relate to! lovely Imperial measurements, not those nasty metric things that don't mean anything and don't conjure up a picture of exactly what 225g looks like. Now tell me it's 8oz and I know just how much to tip onto the scale before I have to be careful and make it balance.
Anyhoooo, just 30 minutes later this is what I had
Currant scones on the left and Cranberry scones on the right. As I made them I realised that I could make them for Mr M as treats because they do not contain sugar - nor sweetener.
I have now tested them with just a scrape of butter and they are delicious. I had quite forgotten how good I am at scones.
OH oh, you will see that my scones are wedge shaped. This is simply because I was taught at Agricultural College and so I don't use a rolling pin I just pat out a circle with the dough and then cut it in wedges so I don't have to wash a cutter either because I use the knife I cut the butter with when making them. They taste better in wedge-shapes too.