Monday 26 June 2017

Monday, Mail and Me - short break

We went away for our anniversary week. On what was the hottest day of the year we had breakfast in Blod's Coffee Corner in Colwyn Bay. You can see Mr M melting as he reads the menu.
 We played on the beach. Little Miss was so desperate to get into the sea like her brothers. I can see that her Mum and Dad will have their hearts in their mouths with this one. She is totally fearless
 Reading with Daddy is good. Eldest son seems to have endless patience with his children, but then he always did
 The water play table came out and Daddy found the water wheel bits and being him he simply had to fiddle with it until it was working perfectly. She loved it and soon had her sunhat in the water
 Having cousins come to visit while you are on holiday is better than good. They got to meet Eldest Son and Lovely Daughter-in-Law and we spent the whole time with them just laughing and talking about ancestors. A cup of coffee in Morrisons in Rhyl before they had to go home completed their visit and then it rained. Even the sky was sad to see them leave
 You cannot go to North Wales without going to Beddgelert, no, really! When I was small I thought it was a law but it is just a rule. Oh, and you cannot go to Beddgelert without going to the icecream shop and choosing from their 56 flavours. I had Wild Cherry as one of my scoops and Coffee as the other. Mr M had Turkish Delight for one and I can't remember what the other one was. He is wearing his father's day present too.
When we got home from our vacation I had a few emails stacked up and this stack included one from a lady in California. There were also two notifications from the genealogy forum I belong to telling me that there were posts on two of my threads from the same person. Can you imagine my delight when I read that this person is descended from my great aunt who married an American Sailor just after WW1 and went to live in USA. I already have contact with descendants of three of her four children but had never been able to make contact with descendants of the fourth child. Now that branch has been reconnected and with a little luck and a lot of emails the family tree will grow by at least ten more people.

Let me tell you I did a really happy dance down the hall as I rushed to tell Mr M. Now I am waiting for names to add to the photographs already sent. SOOOOOOooooooo excited

Monday 12 June 2017

Monday, Mail and Me - Ancestors and Rellies

This arrived by email this week. From a cousin in Murica. She has two scrapbooks that belonged to her grandfather. She is in the process of moving house so more treasures will arrive just as soon as this moving stuff is completed.

She also gave me the name of a new cousin - new to us I mean, she has been around long enough to be earning her own living. I have added her to the mailing list for the family newsletter and I am so excited about her finding us.
There was also another new cousin. Really new Can you see how teeny tiny he is?
His name is Harrison - oh he has a couple of other forenames but the intarwebby doesn't need to know any more than this. His Momma looks really well too doesn't she? He will be entered into the family tree today, just as soon as I finish writing this and then writing a letter to the Welsh Assembly. More of that another day, suffice to say I have found something to fight for, and I intend discovering why the Welsh NHS is not funding places for Veterans with PTSD at the only hospital run by the Combat Stress charity. This is a charity and a cause close to my hear.
No other mail and no stories of travels this week as I hurt a muscle in my side and spent the weekend feeling a bit sorry for myself. I cwtched in my chair and let the world go hang.

My thanks to Sian for inventing this meme and keeping me writing.

Monday 5 June 2017

Monday, Mail and Me - new clothes!

This week was half term and there was a bank-holiday and we were required to make an emergency dash to deliver the spare contact lenses so that My daughter could see to drive home from work. This gave us the perfect excuse reason to pop into Raglan Garden Centre on the way home and have an earlydinner/late lunch. We had fish and chips but noticed that they do afternoon & cream teas. I stored that knowledge for another day.

 I took a look around their shop. I was really looking for something different for birthday presents as this family moves into Birthday mode in June. Starts off Quietly with Wicked Uncle Cliff and then in August for Son, Daughter-in-Law and Grandson, September holds me, Daughter, other Son, Great granddaughter, Cousin Andy and several special friends October has Son-in-Law and two Granddaughters. November a Grandson and a great grandson and December a granddaughter. I won't even think about next year yet. The shop was full of pretty, expensive, pretentious shi stuff. I didn't buy.
Some mail arrived, mostly election stuff but there was a parcel of shorts for me. I have found that the ones from Bon Marche are really comfortable. I bought two pairs last year and was continually washing them and wearing them. I treated myself to some new ones and now I have sufficient long trousis and shorts to see me through the summer. I so rarely buy clothes it was quite stunning to work out that the jeans I am wearing are some that I bought when Miss Boo was two years old - she is twelve now. I stopped worrying about the expense of new ones when I realised that I had really got value for money.