Monday 25 May 2015

Me on Monday - Antiquing? good heavens!

It was a short notice out with the Bluefunnels, Laugh all day, collapse exhausted on Saturday then up on Sunday and sleaze before girding our loins for Monday and going in search of a coat hook and some beans sort of a weekend
The Lord Admiral is feeling much better after his TIA but is still not allowed to drive. This means that Lady B has been chauffeur for the last month. She rang me on Thursday and asked if we were busy on Saturday and if we would care to "Take us anywhere I don't have to drive!" Mr M was delighted to assume the role of chauffer as driving is his hobby. The Lord Admiral was Co-pilot leaving Lady B and me free to put the world to rights. We went to Baddesley Clinton, a National Trust property that really is well worth a visit. The Wisteria was just going over but the perfume still filled the courtyard and made your head spin.

There are costumes and hats for children to try on, so they can get an idea of what it looks like to be dressed in Tudor style. As the Tudor Dynasty began with Henry VII our sons of Wales just had to try on the hats and use the picture frame.
 I think the Lord Admiral looks Admirable.
We needed to go to a garden centre as Lady B said they had things she needed so we went to a little place called Webbs of Wychbold put that into google earth and see how big it is.

I managed to get a particular rose that my daughter has wanted for a long time, so that is part of her special zero birthday gift. There is also a Lakeland store as part of the site and they always have good stuff I didn't know I needed. Miss Boo now has her own personal wasp whacker and I have some neat fridge tidy drawers for my shelves.
Sunday we stayed home and I finally got Mr M to help move a huge tub in the garden so I can plant runner beans in it. Youngest Son arrived home just in time to assist in the lifting and moving so that was good.
Monday wwe were going out to find a replacement coat hook for the broken one on the hall stand. It has to be exact so I don't ming waiting. We didn't find one at The Pumping STation in Cardiff but I did find a fabulous brass fender for my hearth. It still needs cleaning properly but it looks like it was made for my room. I love it and it was only £40 so I spent some of my Christmas money from my darling Father-in-Law. We also went to a local Nursery/garden centre where they grow their own plants and I bought the runner beans to go in the blue tub. All in all a great weekend.

Me on Monday is the invention of Sian FromHighInTheSky why not pop over there and take a look, she had a good weekend too!


alexa said...

That's a perfectly splendid wisteria, isn't it? And your framed gents made me smile - they could definitely audition! I hooted at your Lakeland comment. When they ask me "Did you find everything you needed?" I always say "Yes, and a few more things I didn't know I needed till I got here" :).

Sian said...

Superb pictures! They look like the moving portraits in Harry Potter..pretty magical.

Have a great week enjoying your new purchase