Tuesday 5 January 2016

Memorandum Monday - Late but still walking

This is the first Monday of the year and Sian over at FromHighInTheSky has suggested that we should try to include one new thing that we have learned.
Having written that I realise that it has to be a new thing doesn't it, you can't learn an old thing that you already knew, so it must be new to you (make mental note to improve quality of written English this year instead of waffling on).

So it's been a strange weekend. Our visitor, Wicked Uncle Cliff, Arrived on 30th December and I stayed up WAY past my bedtime because we always have so much to talk about and never enough time.
How is he related? oh..... well he is an honorary Uncle to Miss Boo. We have known him since 1984 when I opened a games and figures shop with my cousin and Cliff worked for one of our suppliers. We talked on the phone once or twice a month for four years and then he came to a games convention that we ran.
We have been friends ever since.
He brought chocolates and laughter with him and he took Miss Boo out to buy her a present. She asked if they could go to Waterstones because there were books she liked. Cliff is a great reader so he said yes. She said "I have a long list of books Uncle Cliff how many can we choose?"
"You can have all of them as long as you read them."
Isn't is wonderful that a ten year old thinks a book shop is paradise and a library is heaven? She is on first name terms with the librarians in our local library and visits every saturday morning after her swimming session.
I don't think I did learn anything new this weekend. I am still consolidating the improvements in my health now that the cellulitis has been beaten back. Six weeks of antibiotics has played havoc with my immune system and my digestion. My children are the greatest thing that I have ever achieved and I cannot describe how proud I am of all of them. My grandchildren are shaping up to become amazing adults and my great grandchildren are beginning to develop into delighful and interesting little people.
I still prefer children and teenagers to babies and seeing them from the time they are around three years old, learning every moment of the day and increasing their language and skills makes me have hope for the future
The urge is upon me to write another Murder Mystery freeform game and the plot is thickening in my brain as I write.
So Happy New Year to everyone and let's hope it is a healthy one eh?


Sian said...

I've said exactly the same thing myself. Three courses of antibiotics down and I'm still not sure I'm completely rid of my sinus infection. I'm hoping to sort my immune system out in 2016 too.

I just love the thought of her seeing Waterstones as such a treasure trove. Does my heart good! Happy New Year to you all

Maria Ontiveros said...

As always, a lovely read.
Happy New Year to you!

alexa said...

Your generations of family sound a lovely lot, and how splendid to be nurturing a young bookworm! Sorry to read of the health issues and wishing you all good things for 2016.