Monday, 1 February 2016

Memorandum Monday - Still improving

It's been a quiet week......................... I have done that intro before, but you know what I mean.
We sold my late Father-in-law's car so that has gone into the probate pot. We went Costco shopping and my legs survived. I worried about my daughter who has a respiratory tract infection and won't stay home and get better. I worried about Youngest Son who drives articulated lorries and has to go across the Severn Crossing and it has been a bit windy!! Imagine my horror when I am scrolling through FB and there is a picture of a lorry on its side on the old Severn Bridge and it is the firm that he drives for - AND he was in work at the time. Shortness of breath was the order of the moment until I realised that YS had commented on the picture and said No it wasn't him.
Dinner at the Bluefunnels on Sunday. Lady B loves a roast dinner and would have one every day but the Lord Admiral likes other food too so she knows she can invite us to eat there and do a roast. She always makes enough for a small army and then piles the left overs onto a plate for Mr M to have the following day. To make the transportation of a plate loaded with food easier she gave Mr M a large cake carrier from Lakeland as his Christmas gift. He was able to test it on Sunday and we can report that with the addition of a circle of that weird non-slip stuff you are supposed to put under rugs the transporting was a huge success and he was able to eat his second dinner when he came home from work today.
What have I learned this weekend? That an hour is no time at all when you are doing the Great British Garden Watch. We don't get a great variety of birds in our tiny front garden, mostly sparrows that move so quickly they are difficult to see let alone count. One Bluetit, one Coal Tit, one Blackbird and fifteen sparrows - I forgot about the time but they all arrived stuffed their faces and left within 20 minutes. Not bad for a garden that is on a main road with people constantly walking past

My thanks to Sian at FromHighInTheSkyfor inventing this way of keeping me writing, next week I will try from the tablet because we are away from home - leaving YS to fend for himself.


Sian said...

An interesting trip? Fingers crossed that the tablet lets us know what you are up to then.

I like the idea of a cake carrier as a Christmas present. It has a touch of the Little E's about it, don't you think? Have a good week!

debs14 said...

What an ingenious idea to use a cake carrier as a plate protection item!
You must have been worried about the lorry news, sounds like you've had far worse weather than us southerners have. Keep safe and warm!