Monday 19 September 2016

Me on Monday - Still aching

It has been a plubers on Friday, Dragondaze on Saturday and ache all day Sunday kind of a weekend. There are tiles on that wall now but I forgot the camera and my legs wouldn't do the stairs twice in ten minutes. The rest of the walls will be painted a lovely duck-egg blue/green and it will look lovely when it's finished - honest. Getting there is just so awful.
We have plumbers putting in a shower instead of a bath
*sigh* so stressful
 Saturday was the annual Games, War Games, Role Playing and board games , and comic convention known as Dragondaze. The first one was held 32 years ago and I was involved in writing the competition and organising the event. It was held through the 1980s and into the 1990s and then real life interfered and people who were involved had kids, got jobs that required lots of time and it kind of hibernated until 2014 when a friend came to me and asked if he could use the name for a charity event he was planning. We talk and it was so exciting I got involved. Here we are three years later raising thousands for Barnardo's and a local children's charity and already talking about next year.
Dragondaze, the annual games and wargames and comics convention
 It was a long day and the Murder Mystery game I hoped to run didn't happen because not enough people signed up. Disappointing but not that upsetting as Mr M didn't feel too good and I felt so tired and stressed from plumbers.
Sunday we went out for breakfast and to do the shopping. We had breakfast in the HUngry Horse and then decided to go for a little ride. Mr M likes to drive. It is his hobby. Not driving fast, not driving big cars. Just driving and stopping at small cafes or garden centres for a cuppa and a Loo break.
We ended up at Clive's Fruit Farm. Not saying much because we are taking the Bluefunnels there soon -ish and I want them to be excited about it.
Clive's Fruit Farm where this hadnsome chap was putting
on the style
Came home about 5pm after stopping for dinner at Labels, Ross on Wye and I settled into my chair to crochet another flower - photograph when I get them right.

My thanks once again to Sian for inventing this meme and keeping me writing.


Patio Postcards said...

Tackling a bathroom reno is one of the bravest things a couple can tackle. Certainly a busy weekend for you & I do hope that the Sunday aches have now all gone away. Happy week ahead.

Sian said...

There definitely is something stressing about plumbers. I wonder do they realise the angst they cause? It's going to be lovely though. I do love a bit of duck egg.

Susanne said...

Well, I hope your plumbers have finished up - yes, bathrooms are the worst kinds of renovations, but they do pay some of the best benefits. Looking forward to see that and pictures of your upcoming journal that you teased up with.