Monday, 24 October 2016

Me on Monday - no Tuesday, sorry

Birthday boy, anniversary couple and Miss Boo all listening
 to Grandpa (or WSD* as my daughter calls him)

Some of the contents of the cellar in the garden before it
 travels on to the tip
 This weekend has been like the curates egg, good and bad. We had a lovely birthday/anniversary lunch with my Daughter and her family. They celebrated 17 years of marriage and also the birthday of S-i-L. They figured that if he got married on his birthday he wouldn't forget, so far this has been right. Miss Boo made us all laugh .... need to give background here... Mr M is diabetic and I have just been upgraded with new dentures. He can't eat sugary stuff and I was still learning to chew without biting my own face, so.
Miss Boo made us all laugh when she refused to give Grandpa any of her raspberry ripple ice cream and said she would make sure that she always had dessert that was too sweet for Grandpa and too chewy for Grandma.
It was a lovely lunch.

Sunday I continued putting the contents of my larder into boxes ready for the builders to come and do the stairs into the cellar. Paused briefly when Lady B arrived with some stuff. She is not a great one for hugging but I so wanted to wrap her in my arms. I knew it would finish us both completely so I stiffened my upper lip and so did she.

one corner of the nearly empty cellar
Monday and Mr M went off to work at silly o'clock. I continued slowly moving stuff out of the way and when the builders arrived we went down into the cellar. O.M.Goodness! Some of the stuff has been quietly mouldering there for thirty years. After an hour and a half most of it was out in the rain in the garden. We had discovered the dead rat, taken precautions with gloves and stuff because of the rat sh*t and I had condemned most of the stuff to the tip.
The builders are really good. They treat me like a little old lady...... which I am, and they shifted everything.
Mr M came home and showed me the photograph of our little car after a nasty foreign truck driver had reversed into it in the works. Yes he signed a letter saying he was responsible, no Mr M wasn't in the car when it was hit, it was parked and yes I still feel really nauseous every time I think of it. We haven't had the darned thing very long, it is the newest car we have ever had and this is the second time it has been bumped. What a b*tch of a start to the week eh?

My Thanks to Sian at FromHighInTheSky for inventing this meme and keeping me writing (and sane)
*WSD... Wicked Step Dad


Susanne said...

It looks like you did quite a bit of clearing. Oh I think it is always nice to be treated like a lady (little and old both may be in the eye of the beholder but not necessarily the head and heart of the lady). I hope the rest of your week goes well.

Patio Postcards said...

Well done you for tackling the cellar & I agree with Susanne's comment above. Little & old seen by those that do not know you - a mighty warrior. Car bumps even when not your fault are such a bother to deal with. Sending you lots of positive energy for the rest of the week going well. Just picture that fixed up cellar!

Sian said...

I'm glad you keep writing, even if it takes me a while to come and read. But I hope you knew I'd be here eventually. Wouldn't miss it.