Friday, 10 November 2017

How could I have missed this?

It seems that I have been missing an essential part of the blogisphere. A feed. I vaguely remember having something like this about three computers ago but as with everything technical when the puter croaked it took away all the handy stuff. I couldn't remember where or how.

Anyhoooo, I have been pointed in the right direction by my lovely online friend Ruth and I am at last "up to date" - well I have to be don't I after reading the riot act to someone who did that silly "I-don't-do-Facebook-because-I-am-too-old/setinmyways/intellectual/smart" thing at me. I pointed out that they are more than 10 years younger than me and I can do it and not get sucked into it....

I digress all I am doing is connecting my blog to my feed by inserting some code - that makes it sound like I actually know doesn't it?

1 comment:

This West London Life said...

*Waving* at you from west London! Did you have a lot to catch up on?