Monday 2 November 2015

Me on Monday - Wicked Uncle Cliff

It was a Friday night on tenterhooks until he arrived, Saturday lunch and a trip around our lovely country and coast and Sunday lunch in Morrison's sort of a weekend.
Wicked Uncle Cliff
" Let me explain........... No, is too much, let me sum up" (Inago Montoya in The Brincess Bride)

Cliff is a friend from waaaay back when I had a games shop in Newport and he worked for a supplier. We lost touch for a while - circumstances that are no longer important - and came back into our lives one Friday afternoon when he knocked on the door and was overcome by the welcome. He is now firmly back in the family and Miss Boo calls him "Wicked Uncle Cliff". Mostly because he encourages her into mischief.
So he was arriving on Friday evening "the train gets in about 9.40" he said. Then he texted from a stationary train outside Bristol to say there was a delay. When he got here there was much talking and lots of laughter and he brought chocolate!
On Saturday he went shopping with Boo and her parents. She needed a halloween party dress and she wanted him to share the experience. He bought a Panda mask and wore it all around the town.
Then we took him to lunch at the Oystercatcher in Penarth Marina. and after lunch we went to the seafront and walked on the pier because you cannot go to the seaside and not walk on the pier if they have one.
The light was fading and the western sky was washed with pink when Tsar Alexander and his Tsarina walked to the end of the pier and started taking selfies. I took a picture
Tsar Alexander taking a selfie on the pier in Pernath
 By the time we had visited the rock shop and he had bought sticks of rock for the girls in his office - that's what you do on your holidays - and sent a postcard, cos that's what you do... it was getting dark and we still had to go to The Knap and show him our fossil beds and that's when he said he had heard of Barry Island but never been there. So we went.
Barry Island! with Uncle Cliff
We stood outside the fairground and let the late season Saturday night at the seaside swell all around us. All too soon it was Sunday morning and he would be leaving in the afternoon so we went to Morrison's for lunch - another first for him - and did a little shopping (just what was on the list) and then dropped him at the rail station after hugs and kisses goodbye then came home and slept for a long while before going to bed early.
That was our weekend. We won't see Cliff until just after Christmas when he will be visiting for new year. We have already decided some of the games we'll play and we'll sit and talk and laugh - something to look forward to.

My thanks as ever to Sian at FromHighInTheSky for inventing this way of keeping me blogging all year


Louise H said...

I was only saying to my family the other day how I loved but hated walking along piers - the gaps down to the water gave me the heeby geebies as a child. There are so few piers left open that mine have not been on one since they were tiny.
Sounds like you had an absolute blast of a weekend.

Sian said...

A late wave from me this week. Sorry. Your weekend sounds magic.