Monday 13 March 2017

Monday, Mail and me - family history

Mail? oh yes, I had really 'citing mail but first Mr M shows us the missing letters. We are asked " lease kee of the obbles" It just tickled us and I thought I would share. Now to the mail

Lakeland have Bagel Moulds (they always have something I desperately need) and I confess now that I am a gadget freak. I love trying new things. Sometimes I pass them on to darling granddaughters for their own kitchens. Sometimes I try something and instantly decide that I will never use THAT again and if said granddaughters don't want it either then it goes to the charity shop.
I used the bagel moulds that arrived on Sunday first thing this morning.
 They are silicone so you make the dough, prove it, then cut and shape into bagels and prove again. Then you dip each one into boiling water for about ten seconds before shoving them into the oven for twenty minutes.
These have to be the best bagels I have ever made and I have been trying for years. So easy These will not be leaving my kitchen. I have already found the oats and poppy seeds ready for post-dipping application and tomorrow morning the breadmaker will be working hard making the dough
We also had happy mail from a friend who said she "saw this and thought of you". I will photograph it later and show you soon. I have such lovely friends.
now I am just waiting for a message from Wicked Uncle Cliff (Miss Boo calls him that) telling me when he is coming to stay with us. He did serious damage to his leg last year when his thigh muscle parted company with his knee. This meant surgery followed by six months in a rigid cast and then really mind tearingly painful physio-therapy. The train strikes around Christmas made him decide that the convoluted route from the south coast to us was beyond his stamina so he was dearly missed over New Year. Now he is coming to stay and we are all buzzing with anticipation.

My thanks to Sian at FromHighInTheSky for inventing this meme and keeping me writing


Sian said...

I hope by now you are either enjoying a visit, or making the most of the happy anticipation!

Missus Wookie said...

Those bagel moulds look interesting - we go through quite a few here as people like them for breakfast. I'll add them to my list of things to consider trying :)