Monday 15 February 2016

Memorandum Monday - New Baby

I meant to post something about our week away and what I had learnt but my eldest son rang me last night to tell me that I have a new granddaughter. She was so eager to join us that she arrived before the midwife - just like her father. She weighed in at 8lb 7oz, just five ounces lighter than her father and on Valentine's day. Her Daddy arrived on August Bank holiday so they both made their entrance on a special day.
Mother and baby are doing fine and Daddy sounded very cool even though he had just delivered his daughter.
I am so excited. Just as excited as when the first grandchild arrived more than 20 years ago - heck I have been just as thrilled and excited when each of them has arrived.
Have I learnt anything from this? Yes. I have learnt that the safe arrival of a baby is always good news and the sharing of that good news is absolutely fantastic

My thanks to Sian at FromHighInTheSky for inventing this meme and keeping me writing.


helena said...

congratulations all round - what a lovely Valentine treat

Jane said...

congratulations, a new life is always special xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We're awaiting the arrival tomorrow of our newest great niece, hopefully all will be well this time.

Susanne said...

Well, that certainly made for an extra-exciting entrance. Congrats to the whole family, and abundant blessings wished for the baby!

Sian said...

Hurray! What wonderful news. Sorry I'm a bit late with my congratulations as we've been away celebrating a 21st birthday this week, laptop-less.

debs14 said...

Congratulations to you all!

Patio Postcards said...

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter - happy times to celebrate.